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  Sophiya's CV

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Publications and Working Papers

Guindon, G.E., Fatima, T., Abbat, B., Bhons, P., & Garasia, S. (2020). Area-level differences in the prices of tobacco

 and electronic nicotine delivery systems — A systematic review. Health & Place, 65.


Garasia, S., & Dobbs, G. (2019). Socioeconomic determinants of health and access to health care in rural Canada.

University of Toronto Medical Journal, 96(2) : 44-46.


Garasia, S. (2019). Clinical outcomes and healthcare use in provincially medically uninsured populations in Canada:

A  descriptive systematic review. CHEPA Working Paper, 19-01.


Mascarenhas, M., Garasia, S., Berthiaume, P., Corrin, T., Greig, J., Ng, V., et al. (2018). A scoping review of

published literature on chikungunya virus. Plos One, 13(11): e0207554. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207554


Garasia, S., Samaan, Z., Gerstein, H.C., Yousef, S., Engert, J.C., Mohan, V., et al. (2017). Influence of major depression on genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes: the multiethnic longitudinal EpiDREAM study. Scientific Reports, 7:1629. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01406-y


Ng, V., Fazil, A., Gachon, P., Deuymes, G., Mascarenhas, M., Garasia, S., et al. (2016). Assessment of the

probability of autochthonous transmission of Chikungunya in Canada under recent and projected climat change; implications for Zika virus. Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(6): 067001. doi:



Garasia, S., Samaan, Z., Gerstein, H.C., Engert, J.C., Mohan, V., Diaz, R., et al. (2015). Lack of associatio between type 2 diabetes and major depression: epidemiologic and genetic evidence in a multiethnic

population. Translational Psychiatry, 5(8):e618. doi: 10.1038/tp.2015.113

Research Experience

2017-Present            Research Assistant, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, Hamilton, Ontario

2020                         Research Collaborator, Department of Economics, McMaster University

2019                         Curriculum Development Assistant, MacPherson Institute, McMaster University

2016-2017                Epidemiologist, Public Health Agency of Canada

2016                         Communications Intern, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe)

2015-2016                Research Assistant, Public Health Agency of Canada

2016                         Student Consultant, Guelph and Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination

2015-2016                Research Assistant, Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph

2014                         Curriculum Development Assistant

2012-2013                Research Assistant, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, McMaster University

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant

2019-2021                Introduction to Health and Public Health Economics, McMaster University Master of Public

                                 Health Program

2018-2021                Population and Public Health Epidemiology , McMaster University Master of Public Health


2018                         Introduction to Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMaster University Master of

                                 Public Health Program

Guest Lecturer

2021                          Political Science Program, Undergraduate-level, McMaster University

                                  Title of presentation: Immigration and public policy

2021                          Physician Assistant Program, Graduate-level, McMaster University

                                  Title of presentation: Overview of Ontario’s health care system

2021                          Public Health Program, Graduate-level, McMaster University

                                 Title of presentation: Long-term care and Home care in Ontario

2020                         Political Science Program, Undergraduate-level, McMaster University

                                 Title of presentation: Immigrant and Refugee Health: Prescription for Conflict

2020                         Health Studies Program, Undergraduate-level, York University

                                 Title of presentation: Immigrant and Refugee Health: Prescription for Conflict

2019                         Health Policy Program, Undergraduate-level, Wilfred Laurier University

                                 Title of presentation: Immigrant and Refugee Health: Prescription for Conflict

2018-2019                Health Sciences Program, Undergraduate-level, McMaster University

                                 Title of presentation: Determinants of Population Health

2018                         Public Health Program, Graduate-level, McMaster University

                                 Title of presentation: The Patient and Affordable Care Act,  Obamacare

Awards and Grants

2018-2021                Ontario Graduate Scholarship, McMaster University

2020                         SSHRC Insight Development Grant

2020                         Faculty of Health Sciences Outstanding Achievement Award                                                                                           

2020                         Canada Research Data Centre Network Emerging Scholars Grant                                                                    

2019                         Canada Research Data Centre Network Travel Grant                                                                                        

2019                         McMaster University Graduate Students Association Travel Grant                                                                  

2019                         McMaster University SPICES Project Grant                                                                                                     

2019                         Faculty of Health Sciences Graduate Programs Excellence Award                                                                   

2018                         Best Poster Award at the CRDCN (Canadian Research Data Centre Network) Conference                                       2018-2019               George and Alice Rivett Ontario Graduate Scholarship

2018-2019               MacData Graduate Fellowship

2017-2019               Michael DeGroote Scholarship of Excellence

2017-2021               McMaster University Graduate Scholarship

Committee and Service Experience

2018-2020                Student Representative, Labelle Lectureship Series

2018-2020                Student Representative, PhD Health Policy Program Executive Committee

2019-2020                Founder and co-host, The Health Briefs Podcast

2018-2020                Graduate Student Ambassador, McMaster University Faculty of Health Sciences Graduate Ambassador Program

2019                         Partnerships Liaison, New Frontiers in Health Policy Conference

2017-2018                Blog Contributer, PHSpot

2016                         Danish Red Cross

2016                         Health Promoter, Special Olympics Ontario

2015-2016               Graduate Representative, Canadian Obesity Network Students and New Professionals (CON-SNP)

2015                        Sexual Health Guelph Team, Project Serve Canada

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